Lap Pools

We’ve spoken about the pandemic-induced phenomenon of at-home gyms. Today we’re talking about something adjacent: lap pools! Swimming is an exercise promoted by all health experts because of its aerobic, strength, and low-impact benefits. But oftentimes pools take up too much space and public pools aren’t available to many.

The solution? A lap pool for just you and your home. Want more ideas? Keep reading ahead!

This is the perfect size for someone wanting to improve their strokes. The landscaping is minimal and the attached deck is perfect for keeping your feet clean and home dry. via 9Now

Having the pool this close to your home entrance has many benefits (as any parent can tell you). via Apartment Therapy


A slide, a wading pool, and multiple convenient places to layout in the sun. This is a brilliant way to make the most of your backyard. via Bonavista Pools

A very modern, hotel-like style that takes the luxury of an indoor pool outside. via Complete Home

I love this more rustic, lakehouse style where the emphasis is still the beautiful scenery. via Gardenista

If you’re looking into revamping your backyard and your health, consider a lap pool and enjoy the warm weather to the fullest!