Finding Those Little Differences

Nothing in this week’s post is spectacularly innovative or life changing. These are things that when I found them I said to myself, “Well, that’s a little bit different.” They’re those small additions that make a difference and maybe aren’t appreciated right away. After all, good design is about keeping the things that make a difference and these designers certainly knew how to do that.

The arches layered on arches layered on arches make this room feel like a luxuriously romantic cocoon intended for a good night’s rest. via Atlanta Homes

A side shelving unit with just the right amount of space to clear up kitchen clutter without adding to it. via Love Renovate


Mirroring benches with cascading back heights. This small tweak to a regular bench creates a wonderful sense of openness as now you can appreciate what’s on the table without being right next to it. via Splendid Sass

Do you see the backs of this settee? A great way to provide comfort and a full view of the splendid yard. via Pinterest

I love this geometric way to add color, texture, and movement to a backyard pool. via Peacock Pavers

 I hoped you enjoyed these little finds!