It’s Time: The Home Gym Edition

Home gyms used to be something only the extremely wealthy had, but as Americans are spending more money on their health and less time in public spaces, it’s only natural that they become more mainstream. Building a home gym can be overwhelming, so I’m sharing with you some home gyms that will help get you started on planning, ideas, and solidifying your workout goals.

Think about your space. Is it attached to your house? Will you build a specific area for it? Or convert a structure that’s already there? I love the idea of building an extra area so the rest of the house is undisturbed. via The Garden Room

Attached or unattached, if you can, have large windows to let light in and improve your view (and mood). via Homify


If your space doesn’t have windows, opt for energizing colors and lighting. White with light flooring is a great choice. via Plank and Pillow

Another great energizing option: Light wood and a large window. via Design Boom

Mirrors are crucial not just for checking your form but also for opening up a space so you don’t feel cramped when you’re pushing your body to the limit. via Room and Board

But, as always, there’s a way to make every style work. If you prefer a darker look (and the look of your muscles in a more contrasted light), then opt for dark paint, dark flooring, and purposeful lighting. via Maxwell Fitness

Are you hoping to switch over to a home gym?

I’d love to hear from you!